September 8, 2022
Poro Point Management Corporation (PPMC) joins the Catholic community in commemorating the birth of the Blessed Mother Mary today, September 8, 2022.
Mary was born to be the mother of the world’s Savior, the spiritual mother of all men, and the holiest of God’s creatures, Jesus Christ. Because of her Son’s infinite merits, she was conceived and born immaculate and full of grace. Through her, Queen of heaven and earth, all grace is given to men. Through her, by the will of the Trinity, the unbelieving receive the gift of faith; the afflicted are tendered the works of mercy, and the members of Christ grow in the likeness of their Head. In Mary, all human nature is exalted. We rejoice in her birthday, as the Church has done from the earliest times.
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The Poro Point Freeport Zone used to house the former Wallace Air Station. The enactment of Republic Act 7227 (Bases Conversion and Development Act) on March 19, 1992 and Proclamation No. 216 on July 27, 1993 effectively transferred the stewardship of the Freeport to the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) to facilitate its conversion into a productive economic growth center.
Gov. Joaquin L. Ortega Ave. (Formerly Pennsylvania Ave.) San Fernando City 2500, La Union Philippines