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PPMC Hosts 3rd Locators Meeting for 2024.

September 11, 2024



PPMC conducted its 3rd Quarter Locators Meeting for 2024 on September 4, 2024, at the PPMC Admin Building. A total of 17 representatives from various stakeholders including Thunderbird Pilipinas Hotels and Resorts, Inc. (TPHRI); Thunderbird Poro Development Ventures, Inc. (TPDVI); Poro Point Agro Industrial Development Company, Inc. (PPAIDCO); Soiltech Integrated Port Terminal Services Inc. (SIPTSI); Wallace Fuel Storage, Inc. (WFSI); AAG International Center for Aviation Training (AICAT); Leading Edge International Aviation Academy Inc. (LEIAAI); and SMART Communications, Inc. attended the said meeting.

The meeting covered important topics such as the submission of reportorial requirements, compliance with contract terms, and adherence to TIMTA (RA10807) and CREATE (RA11534) laws, including the submission of the Annual Tax Incentives and Benefits Reports for CY 2023/FY 2023 and the application process for the PPFZ Certificate of Entitlement to Tax Incentives (CETI). Additional discussions included updates to the PPMC Citizen’s Charter, PPFZ Certificate of Accreditation or Permit to Operate requirements, and compliance with environmental management, health services, the National Building Code, and DOLE Occupational Safety and Health Standards.

The meeting also discussed the need for a coordination with PPMC before bringing in products and services into the zone. Stakeholders were reminded of their commitment to the Drug-Free Workplace Policy and the importance of adhering to the PPMC Feedback Mechanism Procedure. Other updates, announcements, and concerns were also discussed during the session. PPMC regularly holds locator’s meetings every quarter to maintain stakeholder communication and collaboration among stakeholders, ensure continuous regulatory compliance, and foster a cooperative environment within the Poro Point Freeport Zone.



Poro Point Management Corporation

The Poro Point Freeport Zone used to house the former Wallace Air Station. The enactment of Republic Act 7227 (Bases Conversion and Development Act) on March 19, 1992 and Proclamation No. 216 on July 27, 1993 effectively transferred the stewardship of the Freeport to the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) to facilitate its conversion into a productive economic growth center.

Gov. Joaquin L. Ortega Ave. (Formerly Pennsylvania Ave.) San Fernando City 2500, La Union Philippines