February 20, 2025
PPMC President and CEO, Atty. Felix S. Racadio, PPMC’s Business Development Manager Ms. Eliza M. Maconocido, together with key officials from various Investment Promotion Agencies, witnessed the signing of the IRR which was signed by the Department of Finance Secretary (DOF) and Fiscal Incentives Review Board (FIRB) Chair Ralph G. Recto and Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) Secretary and FIRB Co-Chair Ma. Christina Aldeguer-Roque.
Also present during the signing ceremony were Senator Sherwin T. Gatchalian; and FIRB Board Members Special Assistant to the President for Investment and Economic Affairs Secretary Frederick D. Go and National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Secretary Arsenio M. Balisacan.
The CREATE MORE Act strengthened the original CREATE ACT by further enhancing the tax incentives regime of the country making it more globally competitive and investment-friendly.
The Poro Point Freeport Zone used to house the former Wallace Air Station. The enactment of Republic Act 7227 (Bases Conversion and Development Act) on March 19, 1992 and Proclamation No. 216 on July 27, 1993 effectively transferred the stewardship of the Freeport to the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) to facilitate its conversion into a productive economic growth center.
Gov. Joaquin L. Ortega Ave. (Formerly Pennsylvania Ave.) San Fernando City 2500, La Union Philippines