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Did You Know? Holy Week 2022.

April 15, 2022



“Holy week is the most solemn week of the Christian year which is part of the Lenten Season where Christians recall Christ’s passion, suffering, death, and resurrection. It begins on a Psalm Sunday. It is the day when Christians commemorate Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. Maundy Thursday marks the Last Supper where Jesus ate with his disciples. According to the Bible, Good Friday is the day on which Jesus was put to death on the cross, sacrificing his own life so that everyone could be forgiven for their sins. Holy Saturday is the day on which Lent traditionally ends. It marks the final day of Jesus’ death which he spent resting in his tomb. Easter Sunday marks the third day after Jesus was crucified when he rose from the dead. Easter is a celebration of the gift God gave us through the death and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ, and Christ’s victory over death with a promise of eternal life for those who follow Him.”
Excerpt from *Twinkl Encyclopedia


Poro Point Management Corporation

The Poro Point Freeport Zone used to house the former Wallace Air Station. The enactment of Republic Act 7227 (Bases Conversion and Development Act) on March 19, 1992 and Proclamation No. 216 on July 27, 1993 effectively transferred the stewardship of the Freeport to the Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) to facilitate its conversion into a productive economic growth center.

Gov. Joaquin L. Ortega Ave. (Formerly Pennsylvania Ave.) San Fernando City 2500, La Union Philippines